22% more Brits looking for property for sale in Austria (year on year)

Kristall Spaces’ data points to a significant rise in interest among UK buyers looking to buy property for sale in Austria, driven by Euro’s continual slide against the Pound.

The Pound is at a 7-year high and buying an Austrian property now for around €400,000 saves UK buyers circa £20,000, compared with January 2014.

Austria’s gain is neighbouring Switzerland’s loss meanwhile: online customer searches for Swiss property has dropped 15% according to Kristall Spaces research thanks mainly to Switzerland’s decision to unpeg its currency from the Euro.

A UK buyer wanting to acquire an apartment or chalet in Switzerland is going to get 13% less for their money now than they would have at the beginning of the year.

Liz Cass of Kristall Spaces says, “Our marketing experts analyse and compare data from different sources including Google’s real time search tools and we are seeing a healthy upsurge in online customer behaviour in the UK which mirrors the reaction to events in Europe such as quantitative easing to rescue flagging European economies.

property for sale in austria - Liz Cass - Kristall Spaces

“We’re also hearing from one or two savvy UK buyers wanting to secure an apartment at current rates with the uncertainty of an election coming closer. On the whole, they know they are getting a better return than buying in France or Switzerland and they particularly like the Austrian way of doing things.

“Our properties are typically managed by the original families who have been welcoming skiers to the area for generations. They really do understand the personal touch when it comes to service and looking after guests. You don’t always get that in ski resorts in other countries and for this reason customers like to come back to Austria time and again.”

Please contact Liz  today to find out about the different developments we are building in 2015 and selling directly to buyers without any sales agent fees.