Article in summary:
- AIF AlpenReal fund is investing in serviced apartments and aparthotels in the DACH region where there are 15 to 20 well-known operators
- Serviced apartments & aparthotels is a fast-growing asset class and increasingly popular choice for tourists
- They also benefit from the current work-from-home trend
- Flexibility / self-catering options (your own kitchen), digitisation and fewer communal areas have all been important factors during the pandemic for this type of tourist accommodation
- Whilst the hotel asset class has suffered during the pandemic, serviced apartments have continued to perform
- Larger operators who previously focused on business/city hotels are entering the market e.g. Accor and Dorint
- Tourists in the DACH region feel safer taking vacations closer to home
- Working part-time whilst on a skiing or mountain-biking holiday with the family is also an attractive option
- The fund offers an opportunity for customer portfolios to invest in local and sustainable projects
- The target distribution yield is an average of 6% over 10 years
Source: (Tim Habicht 08/06/2022)