Snow Volleyball Has Taken The Austrian Alps By Storm

1907976_737130112975229_9065532505984641856_n A popular new sport has emerged at ski resorts all over the Alps. It’s called “snow volleyball” and it’s becoming increasingly popular as time goes on. The rules are essentially the same as traditional volleyball, only it’s played at an altitude of 6,500 feet while the participants are surrounded by both snow and skiers.

Snow volleyball has been around in a casual capacity for years, though it has been picking up a huge amount of steam recently. Organisers of the Snow Volleyball Tour have expanded their lineup to include Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Italy. They hope that snow volleyball could soon become a competitive event played all over the world.

The St. Anton ski resort hosted the final stop on the Snow Volleyball Tour in early April, 2014. Instead of the cold and frosty atmosphere that one would expect from a ski resort at this time of year, the entire event looked like something you would be more likely to find on a sandy beach. Players were surrounded by both palm trees and cheerleaders, the same way they would be if they were competing in a beach volleyball tournament. The only major difference was that instead of a skimpy bikini or a fashionable swimsuit, players were wearing something a little heavier to protect themselves against the harsh winter weather.

Players who are having a great time with snow volleyball have talked at length about just how similar it is to the traditional game. Strategising is exactly the same as traditional volleyball. The way that you move through snow versus the way you move through sand, however, is completely different. This small but pivotal change is what makes snow volleyball a completely unique entity all unto itself, as well as a great deal of fun in general.

Snow volleyball has also been seen as a boost for tourism at the locations that have been participating in the tour. 50 teams participated in the events and they were surrounded by an estimated 15,000 cheering spectators. The Austrian volleyball association has already taken the necessary steps to recognise snow volleyball based on its popularity. Its rumored that the German and Swiss authorities are well on their way to making the same decision.
